This picture is admittedly over a sesquidecade out of date, but outside of a few silver hairs and some wear and tear, it's not far off the mark. It's also one of the few pictures of me that doesn't suck. It was taken in Santa Cruz in 1987. Yes, it's still the same pic. Sorry.

The Den of the Grey Wolf

Last updated @DATE@.







Index of Articles

R.I.P. Chuck Jones 2-22-2002
R.I.P. John Entwistle 6-27-2002
R.I.P. Derek Bell of the Chieftains 10-17-2002
R.I.P. Richard Harris 10-28-2002 (a.k.a. Professor Dumbledore)
R.I.P. Maurice Gibb 1-8-2003

Comments to The Grey Wolf